John Guthrie Author
Speculative fiction with characters you'll cheer for.

John Guthrie writes speculative fiction for all ages, from children to adults. His books are often set in troubled worlds, whether here on earth or in far-flung planets in other solar systems. At the heart of his books are characters happy with their quiet lives who are ensnared in situations they're desperate to escape from. They don't know whom to trust because trusting the wrong person often leads to the worst possible outcome. You'll find yourself cheering for each of the main characters in John's books as they match wits with the most ruthless of adversaries.
John resides in the UK and, when he's not on the lookout for a stray dog to show up on his doorstep, is continually dreaming up new stories and characters.

Contact John Guthrie at johnguthrie1949@hotmail.co.uk